Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Good changes, hard changes, and God working.

Big change number one: At the beginning of this year, I found out that my best friend and cousin had been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer. It was a hard blow, that's for sure.

There is a song I recently discovered, by Ben Rector, When a Heartbreaks. It totally describes the day I found out and the whole journey we went through this year. I remember my mom getting the call and then having me sit down as she told me. I felt the pain of a heartbreak. At first, I wondered what we were going to do. Cancer. That was something that my family wasn't super familiar with. It had been awhile since it had hit anyone and this was the closest I had ever been to a cancer patient. But, as I sat there and cried, my heartbreaking for her, I realized something, God is always there. He is always in control. He could handle this. I realized that this was going to be a time where we would get to know God even more than we had before...

Fast forward almost a whole year and 12 chemo treatments later and Praise be to God, SHE IS CANCER FREE!!!!!!! :) God is so great. My heart is rejoicing and praising Him! He got us through and she is so much stronger, wiser, and closer to God, because of this!!! I am so thankful for what He did in her life! She may have had a horrible summer full of chemo appointments and all of the horrible things chemo brings, but she made it through and now she has an amazing testimony. One day she will share that with someone and it will change them!! I love you, girl!! <3

Big change number 2: Tonight, at church, my youth pastor of five and a half years had a big announcement for us... God is taking him and his family to Saint Louis. His last day is the 13th of January. This is very difficult for me. He's been my youth pastor since seventh grade...he has made such an impact in my life.. I'm so thankful I've had him for so long! God has used Nate to do so many amazing things in our student ministry...

I remember what it was like in 7th grade, I remember the disinterest I saw amongst many of the students. We were not a close knit group, and many of us just came to hangout, but God used Nate! Oh boy! If you came by my church now you wouldn't see friends hanging out you would see a family being there for each other and loving each other. You wouldn't see kids just coming to hangout, you would see teenagers worshipping with their whole hearts. We have become a family. We all love each other and look out for our brothers and sisters. God placed Nate in our lives for a reason!!

He has taught us so much! From how to have a relationship with the One True God to what an ox-goad is :) He's taught us well! ;) God also caused Nate to introduce us to many wonderful people. We have had so many wonderful guest speakers and interns over the years and all of them have gotten up in front of us and showed us how to follow the One True God, but no one has been a better role model of that than Nate himself!! He has been an amazing role model! He helped God get me out of my shell and I have begun to reach out to so many people and I am forever grateful for that. I see so many leaders among our group! So many people that God has great plans for and I am so excited to see them become who God wants them to be!

God has used Nate to help guide us and now its time for Nate to move on and further God's kingdom somewhere else; to bring many more young adults to Christ and to send them on their way to do great things for the Lord!!

Farewell, Nate!! You will be missed, but we are all happy for you and excited to see/hear what God has in store for you and your family! <3

Many of us have trouble dealing with change, but I have a few thoughts on that for you to chew on.
1) He's got the whole world in His hands. He will be walking with you through the whole change and be your strength!
2) My cousin brought this to my attention tonight, Things around you may change, but God will never change. He stays the same. Always....

Just something to consider.

~Ani <3

~Psalm 87:7

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Big Decisions. Big News. Bigger God.

Hello Friends! This is my first blog post so please bare with me! I'd like to share with you some of what God has been doing in my life. You cool with that? Sweet!

Near the beginning of this year I heard about an opportunity to go on a missions trip to Europe with my youth group. I've spent a lot of time praying and thinking about it. If you don't know this already making big decisions is a scary thing for me. I will do it, but the prospect is always a little scary. From the beginning, I knew this decision was going to be one I made on my own. Just me and God. I didn't want to run the risk of being influenced by other people's opinions. So that's exactly what I set out to do. Find out God's plan for me. All. By. Myself.

About three weeks ago I went to an informational meeting about the trip. I finally had details! I was ready to make an informed decision. I had no idea what God was about to do in my life!

Sharing a room with two little sisters means you don't always get peace and quiet at night. For the next three days the living room was where I spent my nights. Most of them were very late nights. I sat there for very long periods of time reading my Bible and talking to God about this trip. I wanted to make sure that I was making the right decision, a decision made according to His Good and Perfect Will. Not only did I spend the next three nights in constant prayer, but my days were the same way. I didn't talk about this trip with hardly anyone in that three day span. I'm sure that was really strange for my family. I talk about EVERYTHING! Especially big decisions! But they hardly heard a thing from me on the subject. God was The One I was sharing all of my thoughts with this time around! Let me tell you something, in those three days I found myself grow closer to God than I have ever been. It has been the most amazing experience!

The last night, Saturday night, I spent a longer time in prayer and more time reading my Bible than any of the past nights. As I was starting to drift off to sleep I was beginning to feel like this Italy trip was where God wanted me this summer ... I woke up the next morning refreshed, and I remembered every bit of the night before. As I sat there reflecting I heard this still, small voice whisper to my heart, "Go to Italy, Anika. I have plans for you there."


God spoke to me.

God wants me to go to Italy!

He has called me there!

He has plans for me in Italy! 

That was the most amazing feeling! All of my questions from the past few months had just been answered. Not by someone's opinion, but by God's plan! By His Words!

So, God is sending me to Italy and yes, I'm excited. I can't believe it..I GET TO BE GOD'S HANDS AND FEET IN ITALY!!!!!

I'm so thankful for His provision and wisdom! He is so good and patient with me! A very dear friend of mine said to me, after finding out that I'm going to Italy, "God is going to rock your world on this trip!" He already has in just the decision making! I can't wait to see what the rest of this journey holds!

Would you do me a huge favor and pray for me as I head out on this journey? Thank you so much!


Philippians 4:13